Digital communication technologies, which have become the center of our time, are influenced and used more and more, in many fields such as media, cinema, advertisement, social media, as well as verbal and written communication. The Department of Visual Communication Design is an interdisciplinary department that trains qualified specialists needed in this field. It is aimed to train specialists who find themselves in digital media, follow technological developments, apply them, design experience and adapt the concepts given in the program with their entrepreneurship.
There are both theoretical and applied courses in our department, which stands out with the combination of cinema, new media, photography, design, sociology, graphics, communication, advertisement, philosophy, social psychology and art history.
In our department, 2 Associate Professors, 1 Assistant Professor, 1 Lecturer and 1 Research Assistant serve as academic staff.
There are three-dimensional design workshops, computer laboratories, art applications workshops, cinema and photography workshops, seminar hall, conference hall and theoretical classes in our department.
Graduates from the Department of Visual Communication Design can find employment opportunities in the public and private sectors in all fields of media communication, advertising, graphic design, cinema, television and communication sectors. In addition, they can complete their Master and Doctorate education and become academicians.
Visual Communication Design Department accepts students according to the university entrance exam and central placement results.
In order to obtain a bachelor's degree, students must successfully complete all of the compulsory and elective courses (240 ECTS in total) required to be taken in the program and the GPA must be at least 2.0 out of 4.00.